You can use the information that you already have (author(s), title, etc) to find the entire paper if it exists in print. Do keep in mind that not all conferences and abstracts are published.
Use either MathSciNet or Zentralblatt MATH to locate completed papers. Once you have the source (the journal or book in which the paper is published), you can search in the Library Catalog. Search for the entire book or journal rather than title of the specific paper. In addition to the print materials that the Mathematics Library subscribes to, the library has electronic journals available online.
If the source citation looks strange, it may be an abbreviation of the full name. You can search abbreviated names, for the full titles in MathSciNet.
If you are unable to locate the paper through any of these means, search the author’s name, in the above databases, to see if they have published a different paper on a similar topic. It may contain comparable information that may be useful.