Answered By: Teaching, Learning, and Academic Support Library
Last Updated: Feb 01, 2023     Views: 149

When a patron would like help locating items in Main Stacks Reference (Stacks Ref), Info desk staff should assist them. You will need your own iCard to get into Main Stacks.

If a patron has a card that allows them to check out Stacks Ref materials, they should check out the items on their card. Due to the complexity of borrowing privileges, consult with CAS staff to find out what access a patron has, or may obtain.

If a patron does not have Stacks Ref borrowing privileges:

  1. Use the orange Stacks pass to check out the items from CAS.
  2. Print a copy of the catalog record for the items. When applicable, indicate on the printout which volumes the patron is using.
  3. Clip the patron’s ID to the printout while the patron uses the items.
  4. When the patron is finished with the items, return them to CAS.

If it is too busy to leave the Info desk, call Wendy Gregory, Monday-Friday from 8:30am-5pm, to see if she is available to assist the patron. If Wendy is not available, ask the patron if they can wait until someone at the Info desk is available. If they are not able to wait, ask CAS if they have staff available to pull the items.

If a patron would like to check out an item from Main Stacks Reference for more than 2 hours, contact one of the TLAS faculty or staff members. They can consider and approve the extension.


See the Main Stacks Access policy. When a patron does not have Main Stacks access, and they do not know exactly what they need in Stacks Ref, or they would like to browse, Info Desk staff will need to escort them into and out of Stacks Ref. If it is not too busy to leave the desk, Info Desk staff may accompany the patron for up to 15 minutes:

  1. Use your own iCard to enter Stacks Ref.
  2. Assist and stay with the patron.
  3. Exit the Main Stacks with the patron.
  4. Check out any items following the instructions above.

If needed, a cart may be borrowed from CAS for Stacks Ref books.
Items are to be used in the CAS/previous Info Desk area on the 2nd floor, and returned the same day.