Answered By: Teaching, Learning, and Academic Support Library
Last Updated: May 21, 2024     Views: 118

When there is an issue with technology (computer, printer, etc.) please follow the procedure below.

  1. Send the tickets from the Ref Lib email to IT Help and CC the TLAS unit head in the message.
  2. After you have sent the message, move the message from sent mail to the new “IT ticket” folder in Ref Lib.
  3. When the problem has been solved and we get a “ticket closed” message, file that in the folder. Other messages with substantive content should also be filed, but there is no need to file the “IT has received your request” email. That can be deleted. This will provide a record that everyone working at the desk can refer to if they are wondering whether a problem has already been reported or an issue has been solved. You can also look here if IT has a follow-up question about a ticket (e.g., which computer is down?). 

Your IT ticket email should:

  • Explain the problem as clearly as you can, and provide details. For example, include the text of an error or pop-up message.
  • Describe what you have already tried to resolve the problem.
  • Describe the location of the device (e.g. computer at east Info desk, public computer or printer near Info Desk, etc.) and give the hostname (or inventory number if hostname not available) that is on the device if it is available. For example, on each computer there is a hostname sticker which starts with LIB.
  • End with your name (sending your name allows them to email you specifically if needed) as well as the typical reference signature.

If urgent, contact the Library IT Office at 217-244-4688 (after hours this number rings to campus Technology Services).

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