Answered By: Teaching, Learning, and Academic Support Library
Last Updated: Mar 03, 2025     Views: 2742

Off-campus access to subscription-based resources is restricted to current faculty, staff, and students at University of Illinois. This includes OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) members and distance students affiliated with U of I. There are no fee-for-access options for persons not affiliated with the University. However, anyone can use the public computers located in most University Library locations to access most of these resources.


No Access:

  • Alumni
  • Board of Trustees
  • Courtesy Card holders
  • Donors
  • Gies Illinois Impact Incubator members who are community members, alumni, or students from another institution
  • Guests (even with network access) or Visitors
  • Research Park employees
  • Retired Staff, AP's, and Faculty (unless they have emeritus status or a continued appointment with a department)
  • Students who are not currently enrolled, or with a leave of absence (even if working on a thesis/dissertation)
  • University Administration
    • Despite physical location, the U of I’s University Administration (UA) is not technically part of campus. UA employees who do not carry faculty or staff appointments on any of the University of Illinois’ campuses cannot access resources licensed on behalf of their registered faculty, staff, and credit-earning students.
  • University of Illinois Foundation employees

Special Cases:

  • The University does provide a number of "alternative registration" options for students. These options provide an alternative for students off-site to maintain their active status in campus ID systems, and, thus, to retain access to electronic resources needed to complete their academic work.
  • Some UIC faculty members carry formal appointments in colleges or departments on the U of I campus. They are considered “dual appointment staff” who have both U of I and UIC Library access privileges. Any faculty member with multiple appointments across campuses should obtain library privileges for each campus (e.g. UI-Springfield faculty members who also have appointments on the UI-Urbana campus gets both UIS and U of I access privileges).
  • Visiting staff must have an official University appointment. This includes appointments “without salary, with appointment” status. It is incumbent upon the HR office serving the department or college in question to ensure that their employees are properly entered into the system. For individuals affiliated through a University program, the relevant unit or academic department must make this determination of affiliation. Designations of affiliation can then be recorded in the HR office serving their department or college.
  • Only emeritus faculty and retirees with a zero percent appointment continue to have an i-card, NetID and access to e-resources. These are the same eligibility rules that apply to most Tech Services resources and to retaining a listing in the Campus Directory.
  • Faculty looking to get post-retirement status that will grant them continued access may find it helpful to consult Provosts' Communication #12. Page 3 specifically mentions "retention of tenured faculty privileges at the University Library" as one of the privileges accorded to those with emeritus status.

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