Answered By: Grainger Engineering Library
Last Updated: Feb 18, 2023 Views: 36

Some steps to try if you run into this issue:

  • Did you print to LibraryColor or LibraryB&W? Make sure you are at the color printer if you sent your job to the former, or at a black and white printer if it was the latter.
  • Did you select "Pay Cash" or "Pay at Circulation Desk"? If so, your job must be released by library staff. Please see the front desk!
  • If working on a library computer, return to your station and ensure there are no pop-ups from PaperCut that need to be approved.
  • Printing from a laptop/through an internet browser? In the PaperCut Web Print submissions page, what is the status of your job?
    • Does it say "Held in a Queue?" If it is held in a queue, make sure the job was sent to one of our cash print options, LibraryColor, or LibraryB&W. 
    • Has it already been sent to a printer? If there is a printer listed under the status, then that job has been released and is now printed wherever that printer is housed. You can request a refund on the print job and try again. Be sure to scan the QR code at the Print Release Station you desire before releasing your job in order to avoid this happening again. 

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