- Type the stock's ticker symbol
- Hit EQUITY and then GO
- Choose Historical Prices
- CRSP (Center for Research in Security Prices)
- Available through WRDS (Wharton Research Data Services)
- Restrictions: Current students and faculty only
- Available through Business Information Services. To inquire further please contact: BIS@library.illinois.edu
- Historical New York Times
- Restrictions: 1) On campus-anyone, 2) Off campus: Current students and faculty only.
- Description: Digitized copies of the NYT (1851 - 2003)
- Search Terms:
- The General List (Jul 10, 1889-Dec 29, 1891)
- Stock Quotations (May 19, 1890-May 24, 1897)
- Stock Quote (Jan 1, 1890-Present)
- In the Advanced Search, select 'Stock Quote' as your Document type.
Note: Images can be blurry.
- Historical Wall Street Journal
- Restrictions: 1) On campus-anyone 2) Off campus: Current students and faculty only.
- Description: Digitized copies of the WSJ (1889 - 1991)
- Search Terms:
- The General List (Jul 10, 1889-Dec 29, 1891)
- Stock Quotations (May 19, 1890-May 24, 1897)
- Stock Quote (Jan 1, 1890-Present)
Note: Images can be blurry.
You may also want to try this print resource (Call number: 332.63 Is4)
Recommended FREE Resources:
- In upper left corner, enter company name or ticker into search box
- In options list (on left), click on Historical Prices
- Change values in the data ranges boxes
If you're having trouble accessing these databases or getting an error code, try opening the link in a private or incognito window. For further assistance, contact bis@library.illinois.edu.