Answered By: Becky Smith, STEM Entrepreneurship & Business
Last Updated: May 04, 2020     Views: 40

Go to:

  • Nexis Uni: Search for "bankruptcies". On the results page, expand a subject under Sources by Category in the left margin and to select results from a particular source, if desired.


- Type BNKF and press GO for company bankruptcy filings. Type BCYN and press GO for bankruptcy news. Also type CACT and hit GO. Tab to Corporate Action Type. Select Bankruptcy Filing.


  • The American Bankruptcy Institute provides a variety of free resources on its website, including statistics.
  • The United States Trustee Program, an arm of the Department of Justice "whose mission it is to promote the integrity and efficiency of the bankruptcy system" publishes on its website statistics and reports about bankruptcies, abuses of the bankruptcy system, and the program's enforcement actions. 
  • Lynn M. LoPucki's Bankruptcy Research Database at UCLA specializes in large, public company bankruptcy cases.

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