Answered By: Becky Smith, STEM Entrepreneurship & Business
Last Updated: Jun 09, 2024     Views: 114

Foreign direct investment data can be found in several BIS databases; including:

Choose "all countries" or a continent from the menu on the left. Next choose a country; and then the HTML version of the "country forecast" for that country.

EIU Country Intelligence search

Within the forecast choose "data summary;" then "foreign direct investment."

  • World Development Indicators (World Bank WDI Online): Click the "all indicators" button; then scroll down to the Economy and Growth  section and the External Debt section; where you will find measures of foreign direct investment. Choose one; on the next page; you will see data for that statistic covering the last several years. You may change the range of years displayed; project the data onto a graph or map; and download the data to an Excel spreadsheet.

These Web-based resources helpful:

You might also like to look at these print resources for historical data (available in the Library Catalog):

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