You can use Bloomberg, available in the Margolis Market Information Lab (MIL) at the Business Instructional Facility (BIF).
- For specific insider holdings, type the Ticker symbol of the equity you want, then hit the Equity key and hit Go. Choose 2. Company Info, then 2. Management Profile. Choose a person and then choose 10. Reported Holdings.
- To access the HOLDINGS MENU on Bloomberg, type the ticker, hit the EQUITY key , then type phdc and hit GO.
- Choose Insiders only
- For stocks that have experienced the most purchases and sales by insiders, type: INSD and hit Go. Use the fields at the top of the screen to select country, time period, type of transaction. Click on a stock to display a graph of its historical prices with date of insider transactions.
- For more info, type: insider and hit the green Help key
To inquire further please contact:
You can also take a look at the website SecForm4.Com
And see the following databases:
- For insider info before 1984, look at the Official Summary of Security Transactions and Holdings (SEC), available online.
- For later vols. see DOC.SE1.9: located at Main Stacks Government Documents. The U of I Library owns 1936-present.