Use Bloomberg in the Margolis Market Information Lab(MIL) at the Business Instructional Facility(BIF)
Use the GOVT or CORP yellow sector keys. To Search by Issuer:
Ticker Symbol (This will list all bonds issued by the equity. Choose a specific bond for more information.)
To search for specific bond:
Ticker Symbol Coupon Rate Maturity
Example: IBM 5.4 01/26/09 For yield curves; type FMCI
Yield Curve Analysis with Bloomberg (available in the Margolis Market Information Lab (MIL) at the Business Instructional Facility (BIF))
- Type YCRV for evaluating yield curves.
Use WRDS, available through Business Information Services.
- Select the dataset CRSP for monthly government bonds.
To inquire further please contact:
Also try the following:
Yahoo Finance--Bond Screener
Money.cnn--Bonds and Rates
Investing in Bonds
Treasury Direct