- Median home values for cities, towns, counties, and ZIP codes can be found through American FactFinder.
- You may also find the National Association of Realtors research page helpful.
- Housing price information from the U.S. Census can be found in SimplyMap. Data can be retrieved for states, counties, ZIP codes, census tracts, and census block groups. Data can be mapped for comparison, or tables can be built.
For assistance using SimplyMap, contact the Business Information Services.
(Note: SimplyMap requires the creation of a unique account, which is free to anyone with a University of Illinois email address, if you want to be able to save searches between sessions.)
For housing price index information and data:
- Visit the Federal Housing Finance Agency's housing price index page.
- You can also use Bloomberg, available in the Margolis Market Information Lab (MIL) in the Business Instructional Facility (BIF). To find the S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index:
- Type ALLX SPCS and hit the GO button for a list of indices. The index provides data for the US and for large metro areas back to 1987.