Answered By: Teaching, Learning, and Academic Support Library
Last Updated: Aug 03, 2021     Views: 633

For the Info Desk & Reporting issues related to electronic access to library resources:

  1. Before reporting an issue, follow the steps outlined in the "Basic E-Resources Troubleshooting" page.
  2. Encourage the patron to submit the ticket themselves using this webform. If the question did not come from a patron or if the patron is unable/unwilling to submit, send the tickets from the Reflib email to ERTech support: Cc the patron if reporting on their behalf.
  3. Include (or have the patron include) as much of the following information as possible in each ticket:
    1. Contact Information (if using the Reflib email account, sign your full name.) If the patron is included in the communication to ERTech, you must also include their email address in the body of the message because the ticketing system does not provide information from the address fields.
    2. IP address/Location
    3. Browser
    4. Complete citation of journal or article
    5. Specific description of problem, including any error messages
    6. How you accessed the resource (ie, through Easy Search, the catalog, the A-Z list of databases, etc.)
  4. Sign all tickets sent from Reflib with your full name for easier follow-up
  5. After you have sent the message, move the message from sent mail to the “ER Ticket” folder in Reflib .
  6. When the problem has been solved and we get a “ticket closed” message, file that in the folder. Other messages with substantive content should also be filed, but there is no need to file the “IT has received your request” email. That can be deleted.

    This will provide a record that everyone working at the desk can refer to if they are wondering whether a problem has already been reported or an issue has been solved. You can also look here if ERTech has a follow-up question about a ticket.

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